These days I'm starting to use the awesome window manager on my archlinux laptop. Messing up with config files I found that the easiest way to set up the multimedia keys (volume up, down and mute, basically) is to use xbindkeys. So here you have the simple setup: $ yaourt xbindkeys Create ~/.xbindkeysrc: `# Vol down "amixer -q -c 0 sset 'Master',0 5%-" XF86AudioLowerVolume

Vol up

"amixer -q -c 0 sset 'Master',0 5%+" XF86AudioRaiseVolume

Vol mute/unmute

"amixer set 'Master',0 toggle" XF86AudioMuteAnd append to yourrc.luaa call to xbindkeys:rc.lua: os.execute("xbindkeys &")` And that's all! :)

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