Today I was too lazy to study and I was playing with my Gentoo. I've installed the NetworkManager applet on my laptop. The installation was easy with the Gentopia and Stuart-desktop Gentoo overlays.

`# layman -a gentopia

layman -a stuart-desktop

echo net-wireless/wpa_supplicant >> /etc/portage/portage.keywords

echo net-misc/dhcdbd>> /etc/portage/portage.keywords

echo dev-libs/libnl >> /etc/portage/portage.keywords

echo dev-libs/libnl >> /etc/portage/portage.unmask

emerge networkmanager

/etc/init.d/dbus restart

touch /var/run/console/$user 1

/etc/init.d/networkmanager start

` 1 There is a not-so-dirty way to give the user permissions to talk to the daemon as explained on the pam_console module documentation, but it didn't worked for me. The pam package must be emerged with the pam_console USE flag. For me, these steps, didn't work at first, so via google I've found some tips like "emerge the ~x86 dhcp with the 'dbus' USE flag", but dhcp has no dbus flag as I see on the emerge -pv dhcp output. Anyway, I did it and after a few tries restarting daemons and also rebooting I get it working. Now some must-be-shown screenshots: NetworkManager applet NetworkManager applet right after connect to a wireless network

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